As per the current news articles there are Scheduled delays going to happen in Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi and Thiruvananthapuram. These delays are mainly due to Airport Maintenance – Runway maintenance.
For Bangalore it is 19-Feb to 30-Apr, for Mumbai 01-Feb to 30-Apr and Thiruvanantapuram (02-Jan to 31-Mar) and Delhi are already underway . For Delhi it is only till Republic day and due to the rehearsals and preparations.
Looks like this has been in plan since Nov or Oct and the airlines have been informed. Not many have announced or changed flight schedules. We are posting this as an alert for our customers because there are good chances that the airlines might change schedules as the dates are coming closer. So please update the correct communication numbers on airline sites if not already done.
Be on watch for the call that you are getting and don’t ignore as spam calls in case you have already travel dates within the above period even if you are not flying to or from these airports. At times the delays might propagate to other sectors.
Also if you are traveling with kids prepare to be patient enough and check the schedule well before you start from home.